Archives for category: Fashion

Wow, has it been a minute or what. Once upon a time I started this little personal hobby blog about spas I was visiting just to talk about that simply. I loved speaking about each interior, dissecting it, analyzing the service and services, you name it. Now, after 7 years, I have definitely visited quite a few spas. Yet, I haven’t felt inspired to write about an experience since almost exactly one year ago. I’ve written about spas so many times, and am also a design consultant that critiques spaces on the daily, so I just don’t feel that inspired to dissect them anymore because, well, I simply feel I’m at a point where I know what makes for a good spa and what doesn’t. & To top it all off, I ironically found myself in a relationship with a man who is a CEO of an international spa company. How’s that for serendipity?

As of late though, I have been itching to talk. About what? Things. Random things. Things that come to me, and I say to myself, “Oh I could really dive into that!” Then the thought goes, and I don’t get around to doing it. Time is money. So now, right here, I am going to officially denounce this “spa blog” as a spa blog and change it over to just simply, my blog. If a topic comes to me, I’m going to write about it, vent, get it out and just say I did.

I think the feeling of wanting to talk stems from a few things. Number one, and most obvious, if you know even the slightest about my last two years, I’ve become an expat. I live far far away from all my loved ones, friends, colleagues and a world I knew like the back of my hand (hence why I needed newness). So it goes without saying that at times I find myself feeling quite isolated – and yes, I know, that was done by choice. Another reason I feel chatty is because I am experiencing so many new and different things, ways of life, cultures, career changes, relationship challenges / successes, because I am living abroad. Not always does a caption to a photo suffice, for me, as space-enough for what I really want to say.

I’ve thought about doing the whole YouTube vlogging thing, a lot, because I have always been quite a social person, and so many people have suggested I do…however as I have gotten older I really tend to like my privacy. I could never get up the gumption to post that one video I recorded talking about my first 9 months abroad. Who am I to talk about this topic? Yea, I’m living it – or more like figuring it out as I go. Did I go into it naively? Sure did. Up until a certain point I was merely surviving every day life. At the end of the 20 minute video my only advice is a cheesy: just do it – go – have faith. Perhaps I could post it just to see initial reactions? Who knows.

Also, why open myself to people’s criticisms? No thanks. It all just feels so invasive. They say what goes on the internet is forever on the internet. Are you comfortable with that? I’m not. & I’m not so sure I want my person forever being there, long after I’m gone. Although, paradoxically I am already participating in another form of it all by posting photos on instagram and Facebook.

Le sigh…

What’s to lose though? If you’re a standup honest person, and you mean well, and you can see yourself being good at it? Why not? Although, there are those people from your past who love to come around and be internet bullies when you start to have a following,…so I have come to understand from people who post their lives on the internet.

I love when I hear advice about how to become an “influencer” or fashion blogger or what-have-you… it’s always: just start! Then, be consistent! It’s so simple, and so true. Kind of like my advice to just go abroad. The consistency thing is where I know I might fail for producing content because I don’t have friends here (or not a handful at least) to help me produce content I would need. Who wants to see a bunch of selfie productions? I’m also someone who likes to approach things with a bit of a strategy, or game plan, or mission and without that kind of structure I tend to think things become a bit of a waste of energy…like a chicken with it’s head cut off. Plus I wouldn’t initially be getting paid to do it. Again – need. structure.

So that’s where I have to narrow in on my “passions” and “talents” they say. What value can you provide the people with? And that, that question I cannot answer. I’m pretty self-aware and know myself. I know I’m passionate about health, design, travel, career, wealth, and family. The whole talent thing though? That’s where I struggle. I’ve always been a Jill of all Trades. Good at a lot of things but not fabulous at one. What can I do or say or provide that will attract the people’s attention? The views are what count!

Aside from the whole idea of vlogging floating around in my head I have more astute ideas like itching to go back to school for my Masters in Business. My brain has been so educated (or trained) for the arts that I am dying to activate the entrepreneur inside of me…rather than fallback on the trend of vlogging. Or even get a certificate of some kind whether it’s a nutrition degree, writing degree, IELTS (International English Language Testing System) degree or personal training certification.

With all that said, currently, career-wise, I’m happily (if not a little anxiously, obviously) focusing on my career(s) at hand. One is being a Home Critic for Plum Guide, a company based out of London, here in Barcelona, by consulting the design and amenities of homes to be added to the luxury vacation rental website’s collection. The other job being a remote Consult Designer for the online Interior Design company based out of America called Havenly. Both jobs are really appealing to me, especially considering that I’m consulting…something I’ve always wanted to move toward as an Interior Designer, plus both jobs keep my creative thirsts satiated fully. Not to mention, one job is fully remote which is extremely ideal considering I love to travel and love the idea of being able to make money while moving around the globe.

So even though I’m fairly isolated, don’t have a whole ton of friends around me (yet), and am toying with the idea of vlogging, I’ve found the positive in my solitude and “free time”: writing here again now, and up’ing my career game by working two jobs and pursuing education and entrepreneurial endeavors (as well as some fitness goals!). Because recall that, “6 months of hardcore focus and alignment can put you 5 years ahead in life – you can’t underestimate the power of consistency and desire. You have what it takes to become the best that you can be. You can’t doubt yourself. Harness your power, exceed your expectations.”

And I will leave you on that note. Tell me though, what are your thoughts on vlogging? Do you think it is a worthwhile pursuit? Do you watch vloggers? Or do you prefer reading? Do you think I should give it a shot?

“Perspective gives us the ability to accurately contrast the large with the small, and the important with the less important. Without it we are lost in a world where all ideas, news, and information look the same. We cannot differentiate, we cannot prioritize, and we cannot make good choices.”
– John Sununu


Processed with VSCO with f2 preset

It’s interesting… to summarize it generically: this whole traveling / world-away-from-home life. Like the quote above says, this perspective, this paradigm I have introduced myself into…this “discomfort” as some might choose to think of it, has made me become, quite ironically, zenful and sickeningly happy – which puts me in a place where I am enjoying the ability to internally and rationally assess the good and the bad in my life, the good and the bad that tries to come into my life, and the good and the bad that I want to either keep or let go of immediately. As well as the things that require my immediate attention in order to continue improving my life and experiences.

What’s interesting also, is how being in this season of my life, this place in the world (Prague, Czech Republic), I am able to really narrow in on the tiniest of moments that bring me happiness in a way that I never have before. It’s as if reality becomes a slow-mo and as the beautiful moment happens it’s like a glowing orb lights up within me and glows around me the size of a willow tree and just burns with pure brightness. It’s incredible. And as hippy-dippy as it sounds, it’s beautiful. On the daily, I am understanding attitude and happiness is a choice more than ever. It’s transcendental. It’s love. It’s eternity.

Materialistically I’ve also been able to narrow in on the most “basics” of my human needs…i.e. hygienic necessities, work attire, healthy food options, utilitarian clothes for a winter season, amount of space I need to live in this world and my interests. Coming from a self-proclaimed “fashionista”…it’s an experience I am appreciating very much. Having a minor in Environment & Society and approaching the time in my life I will buy a home…it’s a valuable, humbling lesson.

I’m dealing with friends unfollowing me at a rate I don’t understand. This happened last time I was traveling abroad. What am I doing to deserve that? What am I doing wrong? Not staying in touch? Doesn’t the phone/internet go both ways? Do you not like what I am posting? Some say it’s envy. I challenge that and say people need to learn to be happy for others – and figure out why they are uncomfortable sharing in others joys and change their life. After all, happiness is a choice – an inside job – a job YOU are the captain of!

So after all I said above, I can’t be bothered. Because there are people in my life who do continue to care, and who equally stay in touch and are supportive of allowing my personal/career life to live out it’s own course with no judgements or preconceived convictions. People with good vibes. And truthfully, if they bow out of the friendship that is their choice. I just have to remember their decision when and if they want to come back into my life. I’m all about loyalty. & I also believe friendships have their own course and sometimes chapter in life. What I do know is that when I have fete’s in my life that I want to celebrate, I only want people there who have never bowed out. It’s called boundaries. Just as in any relationship there are things you will tolerate and things you won’t.

Quality over quantity. Perspective above contentment.

So below are some quotes that really struck a chord within me when searching for words that I could relate to during this time in my life. And I felt like sharing!


Perspective Quotes:

“I believe everyone should have a broad picture of how the universe operates and our place in it. It is a basic human desire. And it also puts our worries in perspective.”
– Stephen Hawking
“There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.”
– Ernest Hemingway
“Winners have the ability to step back from the canvas of their lives like an artist gaining perspective. They make their lives a work of art / an individual masterpiece.”
– Denis Waitley

“The world is a tragedy to those who feel, but a comedy to those who think.”
-Horace Walpole
“The only thing you sometimes have control over is perspective. You don’t have control over your situation. But you have a choice about how you view it. “
-Chris Pine
“Sometimes we may ask God for success, and He gives us physical and mental stamina. We might plead for prosperity, and we receive enlarged perspective and increased patience, or we petition for growth and are blessed with the gift of grace. He may bestow upon us conviction and confidence as we strive to achieve worthy goals.”
– David A. Bednar
“Perspective is everything when you are experiencing the challenges of life.”
– Joni Eareckson Tada
“Never write about a place until you’re away from it, because that gives you perspective”
– Ernest Hemingway
“There are seasons in life. Don’t ever let anyone try to deny you the joy of one season because they believe you should stay in another season… Listen to yourself. Trust your instincts. Keep your perspective. “
-Jane Clayson
“Faith gives you an inner strength and a sense of balance and perspective in life.”
-Gregory Peck
“Everybody that listens to something hears it differently from their own perspective. And you can’t please everyone. Don’t even try. Please yourself first and then try to please those people around you that you feel know what you’re doing.”
-Buddy DeFranco
“Traveling gives you some perspective of what the rest of the world is like. I think that having the courage to step out of the norm is the most important thing.”
-Meghan Markle

A stunning Venice home designed by owner Whitney Eve Port. It feels like it would be a bit feminine for the new man (fiance) in her life, but I guess a happy wife is a happy life, right? …Totally my single-girl style though, that’s for sure! I’m all about an abundance of interior sunlight on white walls, with all shades of blues paired with jewel tones and patterns galore, natural woods, sunshine accents and frames frames frames. Check out her place:

via Home Tour: Whitney Port’s Bohemian Venice Loft — Domaine.

It could not have been said better:

”  Small deaths occur constantly as we waltz through life. Relationships change and degrade, and a beautiful moment is gone forever as soon as it is lived, so the pictures of things often last much longer than the actual recorded objects. Perhaps this is why we are so anxious to document every moment of human history ~ and so much of our own personal experiences ~ online. Why we feverishly make photographs of moments instead of simply living in them. Sometimes it’s hard to know which matters more. Ancient Aztec poetry used flowers to symbolize the fragility of life, the transience of beauty, and the elusiveness of truth. If, as they wrote, we are all like flowers continually perishing, then the decay should be celebrated as beautifully as the blooms.  “

via { What We Lose In Flowers } | The Glamourai.

I love this article! And I adore the woman who wrote it. She really knows her stuff. There’s something to say for experience. Here she goes over things from color wheel stereotypes to painting room walls dark colors to matchy-matchy furniture.

Feel Free to Break Some Decorating Rules.